One thing I have learned about blogging is that the best way to achieve success faster is by learning from those who have been there and as a result I will be showing you 3 of the top blogging mistakes I have made and why you should avoid them.
- Not Having Your Own Domain Name and Professional Hosting
The number one major mistake most people make that hurts their blogging career is not having a domain name.
A lot of new bloggers are too reliant on tools like blogger and simply because they want to create new blogs. I have seen a lot of people build a successful free blog and then invest all their marketing efforts into it only for the blog to be deleted because they violated their terms of service.
The biggest mistake you will make as a blogger is using free domain name and hosting services – go professional, spend a few bucks to make sure everything is right and you will be amazed to see what results you can get.
- Trying to Let Your Blog Center around Yourself Alone
Another major mistake most people make with blogging is letting their blogs center around them alone. They have made their readers love their work so much that it will become difficult for their blog to strive if they aren’t presence.
Just ask yourself. What will happen to your blog if you fall sick or if you have to travel for something more important? A lot of things can happen but you can easily be in control by accepting guest posts or even paying people to write for you. Make sure that your blog isn’t too dependent on you no matter the circumstances.
- Neglecting to Interact with Readers and Respond to Reader Feedback
The final reason why most bloggers fail is because they put little to no priority on interacting with readers. Some of them even find it very difficult to respond to reader feedback.
Reader interaction is a key to building a successful blog and you will find it easy to succeed if you start paying more attention to your readers. Whenever your readers comment on your blog post make sure you thank them by replying to their comments, whenever they send you an email let them know you care by responding to the email.
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